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Showing posts from January, 2021

Fighting to Reach The Light

 I had started this page some time ago to heal from the grief of a lost loved one.  Sadly, I jumped right into other professional endeavors as a means of distracting myself and not really healing.  I threw myself into it, and it has been a rollercoaster year.  Not just for myself, but obviously all of us.  I started some very high-stress training at the bank I worked at, then COVID-19 happened, and all the test centers closed.  I was sitting in limbo, just waiting for everything to resolve.  It did not.  It got worse. In June of 2020, we were informed that our branch was being closed.  I was not going to be allowed to finish the training I started.  I was also left in a space where I needed to know that I would have employment, as we were informed that they did not know if they would be able to place the staff at other bank branches.  I got lucky!  A serendipitous opportunity presented itself to me in the form of a job in the mortgage industry. I felt so lucky that fate was intervening