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Fighting to Reach The Light

 I had started this page some time ago to heal from the grief of a lost loved one.  Sadly, I jumped right into other professional endeavors as a means of distracting myself and not really healing.  I threw myself into it, and it has been a rollercoaster year.  Not just for myself, but obviously all of us.  I started some very high-stress training at the bank I worked at, then COVID-19 happened, and all the test centers closed.  I was sitting in limbo, just waiting for everything to resolve.  It did not.  It got worse. In June of 2020, we were informed that our branch was being closed.  I was not going to be allowed to finish the training I started.  I was also left in a space where I needed to know that I would have employment, as we were informed that they did not know if they would be able to place the staff at other bank branches.  I got lucky!  A serendipitous opportunity presented itself to me in the form of a job in the mortgage industry. I felt so lucky that fate was intervening
Recent posts

Pain & Recovery

So, as this has not been a blog I have shared yet, things have changed very drastically.  It all just happened so quickly.  We jumped from my previous post, which was posted a couple of weeks after my father-in-law's diagnoses, to now.  What is happening now?  Well, for those that are not on my social media accounts, one of my favorite people passed. This one hits harder than others for me.  I had a good and relatively close relationship with John.  I consistently saw him year after year and therefore grew to have a bond.  A bond I will always treasure, and even though he has passed from this world, I do not feel this bond has diminished. My mother, in all of her sage wisdom, said it best.  This was something someone once told her.  I'm paraphrasing, "We do not mourn for the sadness of the loss of a loved one.  We mourn for ourselves because we don't get to have more time with them."  This is a more than truthful sentiment that I take into every day. I take

Dish Best Served: Stress!

Hello, internet world!  Let's talk a little bit about me, Roman.  Who am I?  Well, I am just a dude that likes to play video games, spend time with my wife, and generally enjoy inside better than outside.  I am optimistically cynical about life, meaning that I prepare for the worst and hope for the best.  When I am not nerding about movies, comics, and the latest technology, you can usually find me going on a rant about this, that, or the other things that give me immense frustration. I have another blog that is not as active as I would like it to be.  Why is that?  Life keeps kicking me square in the dick.  Please, do not take this as another, "Woe is me and everything is miserable" kind of blog.  I do not attempt to make myself a victim of every little problem that surrounds me in my life, but right now... It has just been the worst month, and this month alone has made it a shit-tacular year.  You cannot anticipate the worst until it happens, and it is rarely a slow