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Showing posts from January, 2020

Pain & Recovery

So, as this has not been a blog I have shared yet, things have changed very drastically.  It all just happened so quickly.  We jumped from my previous post, which was posted a couple of weeks after my father-in-law's diagnoses, to now.  What is happening now?  Well, for those that are not on my social media accounts, one of my favorite people passed. This one hits harder than others for me.  I had a good and relatively close relationship with John.  I consistently saw him year after year and therefore grew to have a bond.  A bond I will always treasure, and even though he has passed from this world, I do not feel this bond has diminished. My mother, in all of her sage wisdom, said it best.  This was something someone once told her.  I'm paraphrasing, "We do not mourn for the sadness of the loss of a loved one.  We mourn for ourselves because we don't get to have more time with them."  This is a more than truthful sentiment that I take into every day. I take